LifestyleA beautiful vine with dangerous consequences

A beautiful vine with dangerous consequences

Cultivation of this plant is punishable
Cultivation of this plant is punishable
Images source: © Getty Images | Nicolette Wollentin

26 June 2024 19:38

Roundleaf bittersweet is a popular vine that adorns many parks and gardens. It turns out that the plant is on the list of prohibited invasive species. Cultivating bittersweet has disastrous consequences.

Roundleaf bittersweet is a species of deciduous vine. It originates from the Far East. Initially, it was cultivated exclusively in Japan, northeastern China, and the Korean Peninsula.

In a short time, it spread worldwide as a popular ornamental plant. It was used for decorating parks, gardens, and facades. What is worth knowing about it?

Beware of this plant

Roundleaf bittersweet is a plant from the bittersweet family. In favourable conditions, it grows from 10 to 15 metres. The vine is covered with numerous round, slightly elongated leaves. It gets covered in late May and June with tiny, white flowers that eventually turn into small red fruits.

It is very easy to cultivate and requires little soil. It tolerates drought, heat, and frost well. It was planted in parks, gardens, and facades just a dozen years ago. Currently, the plant is on the list of prohibited invasive species.

Bittersweet easily spread beyond the area where it was planted. It propagates through seeds and root shoots, which develop alarmingly. They invade forested regions, preventing the growth of other plants and disrupting the entire ecosystem. When it appears around buildings, transportation infrastructure, or power lines, it can cause severe damage.

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