NewsZelensky proposes extension of martial law and mobilisation

Zelensky proposes extension of martial law and mobilisation

Wołodymyr Zełenski
Wołodymyr Zełenski
Images source: © Getty Images | Bloomberg
Tomasz Waleński

23 July 2024 08:36

Volodymyr Zelensky presented the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with two bill proposals: to extend the state of martial law and to extend the general mobilization.

The authority's official websites reported that the documents had been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. Zelensky submitted the proposals "On extending the period of general mobilization" and the bill on approving the decree of the President of Ukraine "On extending the period of martial law in Ukraine" on Tuesday, July 23.

Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak assures on Telegram that they will be processed immediately. The politician predicts that the National Security, Defence, and Intelligence Committee will consider them later on Tuesday. Afterwards, they will be put to a vote at the Verkhovna Rada's session.

Regulations to be reviewed immediately

"The Committee will review them, and then the Rada will approve them at the session. It will be in effect from August 12 for 90 days, i.e., until November 9. This will be the 12th vote of the parliament on this matter," Zheleznyak said.

The Ukrinform agency reminds that on May 8, the Verkhovna Rada approved the president's previous decrees on extending martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine from May 14 for 90 days, until August 11, 2024.