LifestyleVatican cucumbers: A sweet twist on a pickled classic

Vatican cucumbers: A sweet twist on a pickled classic

Every year, Canadians enjoy pickles, gherkins, and lightly pickled cucumbers. However, if we want to try something new and unusual, let's add a sweet ingredient to the cucumbers. It will enhance their flavour.

delicious preserves / illustrative photo
delicious preserves / illustrative photo
Images source: © Adobe Stock
Aleksandra Lewandowska

We are known for creating delicious preserves. Cucumbers are among the most popular preserves, and they have won the hearts of people from abroad. Although the most well-known are pickles, gherkins, and lightly pickled cucumbers, there are also other versions of how to prepare cucumbers. We will create Vatican cucumbers by adding a secret sweet ingredient to them.

Recipe for Vatican cucumbers

Cucumbers are an outright culinary hit. We crunch them on their own but also add them to salads, meats, and other dinner dishes. If we are tired of the most popular ones, we can diversify our meals with Vatican cucumbers, which have a sweet and sour taste.

Vatican cucumbers differ slightly from classic lightly pickled or fermented cucumbers. Their secret ingredient is raisins, combined with garlic, which initially may seem quite extreme. However, there's no need to worry!

How to make them? Here are the ingredients:

  • 3.3 lbs of cucumbers
  • 42 oz of water
  • 8.5 oz of 10% spirit vinegar
  • 7.8 oz of sugar
  • a tablespoon of salt

Additions per jar:

  • bay leaf
  • 15 raisins
  • a clove of garlic
  • 8 black peppercorns
  • 2 allspice berries

Vatican cucumbers - preparation

The preparation of Vatican cucumbers is very simple, and certainly, everyone can handle it. Thoroughly washed cucumbers are soaked in cold water for an hour, making them firmer. After this time, put them in sterilized jars. As desired, cucumbers can be whole or cut. To each jar, add a bay leaf, raisins, garlic, allspice, and peppercorns. In a pot, boil water with sugar, vinegar, and salt. Pour it over the jars, then close them and pasteurize.

Important! Vatican cucumbers should sit for about three weeks before we open them.