LifestyleThe 1:2:3 rule: Mastering shortcrust pastry basics

The 1:2:3 rule: Mastering shortcrust pastry basics

Rule 1:2:3 - How to make the perfect shortcrust pastry?
Rule 1:2:3 - How to make the perfect shortcrust pastry?
Images source: © East News | Jan Kubieniec

8 August 2024 12:31

Shortcrust pastry is the base for many baked goods. The key to making it is the right proportions. That's why anyone who loves baking should know the 1:2:3 method.

Basics of shortcrust pastry

To make the perfect shortcrust pastry, we only need three ingredients: butter, flour, and sugar. With this, we can create the perfect base for all kinds of cakes, tarts, and other delicacies. To ensure that the shortcrust pastry is perfect, we need to stick to the 1:2:3 rule. What does this rule entail?

The 1:2:3 rule - the secret to perfect shortcrust pastry

The 1:2:3 rule is the ratio of sugar to butter and flour. What should it be? There are two parts: butter and three parts flour, and one part, sugar. An example? 200 grams of sugar should be combined with 400 grams of butter and 600 grams of flour. It's an extremely simple rule, but one must also remember other factors that affect how the shortcrust pastry turns out.

To make shortcrust pastry, it is best to choose pastry or classic wheat flour. Additionally, use butter with a high fat content, preferably 82 percent. Some sources mention that our grandmothers used a trick where they replaced part of the butter with lard. Instead of classic sugar, powdered sugar is worth using. Why? Powdered sugar will not caramelize during baking and will quickly combine with the other ingredients. Do not add an entire egg to the dough - only the yolk, optionally with a little water. All ingredients must be cold for the pastry to come out perfectly.

Recipe for shortcrust pastry

How to make shortcrust pastry?

  1. Knead all the ingredients together. It's best to chop the butter with the flour using a knife and combine it with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. After combining the ingredients, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate it for about an hour.
  3. After an hour, roll out the dough on a floured board, place it in the baking pan, and refrigerate it again. Before placing the dough in the oven, prick it with a fork.
  4. Bake the shortcrust pastry for about 25 minutes at a temperature of 175-200°C.

Shortcrust pastry is one of the simplest desserts, so it is worth keeping this recipe to impress family members or guests.

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