FoodRefreshing twist: Try an iced coffee lemonade at home

Refreshing twist: Try an iced coffee lemonade at home

How to make good iced coffee?
How to make good iced coffee?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

6 July 2024 12:09

Iced coffee is an indispensable part of summer. When we're drenched in sweat, we love to reach for cool drinks in our favourite flavours, especially if that flavour includes coffee notes. However, more and more often, iced coffees resemble calorie-laden desserts that don't really refresh us. Fortunately, you can make a faster, easier, and healthier version at home without spending a fortune in the city.

Looking for an idea for a simple iced coffee that you can easily make at home? No worries, you don't need modern gadgets, espresso machines, or top-tier equipment. Just brew your favourite coffee and prepare some lemonade. Sounds strange? Try it, and you'll see for yourself that within this madness lies the secret to the perfect summer drink.

Coffee and lemonade in one? A delicious way to make iced coffee

Iced coffees are often more like ice cream desserts, with calorie contents exceeding those of substantial meals. Such products typically have little actual coffee but are loaded with syrups or other sweet additives, milk, and even whipped cream. In the end, rather than a refreshing drink, we get a dessert that may cause a sudden spike in blood sugar.

Instead of such an iced coffee, it’s better to opt for a simple drink combining coffee and lemonade. On one hand, it will give you energy due to the caffeine in the coffee, and on the other hand, it will refresh you with the addition of lemon juice. Of course, it's good to add a touch of sweetness, as not everyone enjoys the bitterness of coffee mixed with the sourness of lemon, especially when combined. Just top the whole thing off with a few ice cubes. However, remember not to drink it too quickly if you don't want to experience brain freeze.

Simple iced coffee with lemonade to make at home. Recipe


The perfect iced coffee for hot weather is the one without sweet and heavy additives.
The perfect iced coffee for hot weather is the one without sweet and heavy additives.© Pixabay
  • 300 ml of strong brewed coffee,
  • 2 lemons,
  • 60 ml of maple syrup or another sweetener,
  • 350 ml of water.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemons.
  2. Mix the lemon juice and sweetener, then gently heat to combine.
  3. Next, add the water, mix, and set aside to cool.
  4. Place ice cubes in two tall glasses. Then pour in the prepared lemonade and top off with the cooled coffee.
  5. You can garnish with lemon slices and mint leaves.