EntertainmentOi oi oi baka: The bizarre classroom trend hitting schools

Oi oi oi baka: The bizarre classroom trend hitting schools

Oi oi oi baka
Oi oi oi baka
Images source: © TikTok
Jakub Tyszkowski

8 October 2024 09:42

A new trend related to school and anime is becoming increasingly popular. The "oi oi oi baka" game involves a student loudly interrupting the teacher during class. Videos are already circulating online.

Every so often, a trend emerges on the internet whose phenomenon is hard to explain. Such was the case, for example, with the trend of eating dirt, building cardboard kebab stands during lessons, or the challenge of stealing equipment from schools (fortunately, this phenomenon was limited to the USA).

What is the origin of the trend described in this article? It likely began with a conversation between two students, in which one said to the other, "You don't have the guts to do it," and the other decided to follow through. Specifically, it involves interrupting a lesson with the shout, "Oi oi oi baka!".

The "oi oi oi baka" trend took over TikTok

Videos related to this challenge are circulating on TikTok. They typically show a classroom and the "daredevil" taking on the challenge. The student first repeats the phrase "oi oi oi baka" quietly, then louder and louder. Once everyone in the class is paying attention, the student stands on a chair or desk and shouts in a very expressive manner. Teachers react with surprise, anger, and shock. Generally, no harm is done—it's just foolish.

Most "oi oi oi baka" videos come from abroad and have millions of views. However, there are now clips from schools where students replicate the viral trend. You can watch a few of the videos below.

Oi oi oi baka - what do these words mean?

What do the words "oi oi oi baka" mean? In Japanese, "baka" means fool. Characters in anime use it to express frustration. "Oi oi oi" is used similarly, possibly embodying irritation or surprise. Students combine "oi oi oi" and "baka" to give their public performances an absurdly comedic nature. It would not be surprising if the phrase became a contender for Youth Word of the Year.