FoodIndulge in the irresistible allure of the Ofelia Cake

Indulge in the irresistible allure of the Ofelia Cake

This cake has all the best elements. It features a fluffy sponge cake, pudding cream with cherries from compote, and coconut flakes. It's perfect for family celebrations, delighting right from the first bite.

Ofelia Cake
Ofelia Cake
Images source: © delicacies
Daria Rudny-Dul

The best afternoon snack is a good piece of homemade cake. Ofelia fits this role excellently. Once the compote is gone from the jar and the cherries remain, it's time to start baking. This cake disappears quickly from the plates, and requests for the recipe never seem to end.

Ofelia Cake - Perfect for family occasions

The Ofelia Cake is a real gem, especially popular during holidays and other special occasions. It's a layered cake that captivates with its combination of delicate sponge, aromatic jelly, fluffy pudding, and sweet cherries.

Whether its name refers to a Shakespearean character, flowers, or is simply a lovely name, one thing is certain: the Ofelia Cake is a real feast for the senses.


Sponge Cake: 

  • 6 eggs,
  • 1 cup of sugar, 
  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour, 
  • 3/4 teaspoon of baking powder.

Cherry Layer: 

  • 1 cup of pitted cherries, 
  • 4 cups of cherry juice, 
  • 2 packages of vanilla pudding,
  • 3/4 tablespoon of potato starch. 

Pudding Layer: 

  • 2 packages of vanilla pudding, 
  • 3 cups of milk,
  • 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 
  • 200 grams of softened butter.
Pudding© delicacies


Sponge cake batter
Sponge cake batter© delicacies
  • coconut flakes for sprinkling.
Sponge cake
Sponge cake© delicacies


Cherry pudding
Cherry pudding© deliciousness

Step 1. Pour the pudding into a bowl and mix with 1 cup of milk. Boil the remaining milk, and add the pudding powders. Cook, stirring the mixture, until pudding forms. Set aside to cool. To prevent skin from forming, you can cover the surface of the pudding with plastic wrap.

Ofelia Cake
Ofelia Cake© delicacies

Step 2. Prepare the sponge cake. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat until foamy, gradually adding sugar. Once the mixture is stiff and white, add the yolks one by one, sifted flour, baking powder, and mix.

Add coconut flakes
Add coconut flakes© delicacies

Step 3. Line the bottom of a baking pan measuring approximately 28x18 cm with baking paper. Pour the sponge cake mixture into the oven preheated to 175 degrees Celsius. Bake for 35 minutes. Set aside to cool, but do not remove it from the pan.

Ofelia Cake
Ofelia Cake© delicacies

Step 4. Meanwhile, prepare the cherry layer. Add potato starch to the pudding, pour some of the cherry juice, and mix. Boil the remaining juice, add the pudding mixture, and cook until it thickens.

Step 5. Place the pitted cherries on the sponge cake and pour the cherry mixture over the top. Refrigerate until the mixture thickens and cools. Then, place the wafers on top.

Step 6. Beat softened butter, gradually adding cooled pudding at the end. Spread the batter on the wafers and sprinkle with coconut flakes. Refrigerate the cake for at least 30 minutes.

Step 7. After this time, the cake is ready. Cut it into pieces and enjoy its taste. Bon appétit!