LifestyleHow coffee grounds can save your garden from voles

How coffee grounds can save your garden from voles

Voles look quite adorable, but their activities in the garden can cause serious damage. Therefore, it is worth taking action as soon as you notice signs of their presence. A favourite drink of many people can help with this.

If the garden starts to look like this, it is possible that voles have moved in.
If the garden starts to look like this, it is possible that voles have moved in.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Voles, along with moles, are particularly troublesome garden pests. These small rodents, resembling hamsters in appearance, can cause severe damage. They gnaw on roots and shrubs, eat seeds, and leave numerous holes in the ground.

They are most active at night and are not always immediately noticeable. However, if you realize they are destroying your garden and plot, it is worth starting to act immediately.

Home remedies to combat voles. Reach for a popular drink

There is no need to resort to complicated traps to effectively get rid of these harmful rodents from your plot or garden. It's worth using something almost everyone has at home and probably uses daily.

It's coffee, specifically the grounds left after brewing it. Just sprinkle them around the holes dug by voles in the ground, and the smell of coffee will effectively drive away unwanted tenants. It is worth repeating this procedure regularly to ensure that voles do not want to return.

Voles do not like certain scents.
Voles do not like certain scents.© Adobe Stock | Zdenek MACAT

Natural deterrents

If you don't drink coffee, don't worry. Voles also dislike other scents. They are particularly irritated by garlic, mint, spurge, and blackcurrant plants. So, planting them in the garden is worth it, and harmful rodents will stay away.

Additionally, it is essential to regularly carry out maintenance work on the plot - mowing the grass, removing fallen leaves, and pulling weeds. This will help you quickly observe the appearance of unwanted guests in the garden, speeding up the start of the fight for your plants.